可数名词有单数形式和复数形式:My dog is playing. My dogs are playing.当一个可数名词是单数时,在句子中一定要加a/an/the/my/this等限定词:
I want an orange. (not I want orange.) Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)当一个可数名词是复数时,在句子中可以单独使用:
I like oranges.
不可数名词常常被当做单数来看待,因此动词也是用单数形式: This information is very important. Your luggage looks heavy. 但是与量词搭配,不可数名词也可以变得“可数”哦:a cup of tea two pieces of furniture three bags of rice
一些限定词既可以与可数名词搭配,也可以与不可数名词搭配,如some / any。 注:any用于否定句和问句中。


判断下列划线词汇是可数名词还是不可数名词。 1. The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun. 2. Be careful! The water is deep. 3. The parade included fire trucks and police cars. 4. We like the large bottles of mineral water. 5. My mother uses real butter in the cakes she bakes. 6. How many politicians does it take to pass a simple law? 7. Most kids like milk, but Joey hates it. 8. Most pottery is made of clay. 9. Michael can play several different musical instruments. 10. I was feeling so stressed that I ate an entire box of cookies.答案 ▼
1. countable 2. uncountable 3. countable 4. countable 5. uncountable, 6. countable 7. uncountable, 8. uncountable, 9. countable, 10. countable厚朴福利
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