在学习英语的时候,我们经常看到认识的单词组合在一起,意思却和我们想的完全不同。比如说小厚最近看到的“January and May”,看起来当然是“一月和五月”的意思啊,不然还有其他解释吗?实际上,“January and May”是的真正意思是“老夫少妻”,用来形容丈夫比妻子年纪大很多的夫妻。 学习英语本身就是一件不容易的事,idioms的出现更是muddies the water(混淆视听),今天我们就一起来看看有哪些“词非所意”的俗语表达吧! 上期idioms分享戳?:Rain cats and dogs,下猫又下狗?英语表达中还有哪些有趣的俗语/俚语?

1. 24/7

Meaning:Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; all the time; constantly. 一天24小时,一周7天,意为无时无刻,一直,不断 Example:My little sister irritates (激怒) me twenty-four seven!

2. Butterflies in my stomach

Meaning:To be nervous. 紧张,不安 Example:Bob had butterflies in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin.

3. silver lining

Meaning:You can find good in every bad situation.一线希望 Example:Don't give up, there is always a silver lining.

4. Fish out of water

Meaning:To be out of place. 离水之鱼,不得其所。意为感到不自在。 Example:I felt like a fish out of water in my new school at first because I knew no one at that time.

5. In the nick of time

Meaning:Almost too late. 关键时刻,及时,恰好 Example:They arrive in the nick of time to catch the train.

6. Once in a blue moon

Meaning:Rarely. 罕见的,千载难逢 Example:This is a chance once in a blue moon,you should grab it.

7. Pull yourself together

Meaning:Calm down and behave normally. 振作起来,打起精神! Example:Pull yourself together and face up difficulties.

8. Sleep on it

Meaning:To think about something for a while before making a decision. 考虑一下,说不定睡一觉会有灵感 Example:You need to sleep on it before you make the big decision.

9. Rock!

Meaning:Great, cool. 酷毙了,震撼 Example:You rock my world.

10. Go the extra mile

Meaning:To make an extra effort. 加倍努力 Example:If you want to pass the exam, you need to go the extra mile.


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