标点符号是句子的重要组成部分,承担着构建句子框架和结构的重任。在写作时,我们常常会把全部注意力放到写作内容上,而忽略标点符号。靠着“,”和“.”走天下,虽然也不是不行,但是,正确使用标点符号会使你的文章内容与逻辑更加清晰! 并且,英文标点符号的使用与中文有很大差别,一旦照搬中文的标点使用方法,会暴露写作者缺乏英文写作的基本专业知识。这一点在高中、大学的essay写作中可是致命缺点哦~ 正确使用标点符号从娃娃抓起!一起来看看“不被放在眼里”的标点符号都有哪些学问吧!

Full stop .

1. 表示一个句子的结束 Xiao Hou is trustworthy. 2. 表示缩写单词 Telephone Number = Tel. No. September = Sept. 3. 标注时间和日期 We weak up at 6.45 in the morning.

Comma ,

1. 用来分割未完的长句 There is no uniform, but we have to wear clean clothes. 2. 用来分割同类并列的事项,相当于中文的顿号“、” I live with my dad, my mom, my brother and my dog. 3. 接连两个“,”用来表示插入语 My mom, who I love the most, is a doctor. 注意:在写作时,我们常常把full stop与comma混用,这与我们中文碎片化的表达习惯有关,但是!在英文中,一个主谓宾完整的句子一定要以full stop(.)或exclamation mark(!)结尾。如果想用comma(,)连接两个主谓宾齐全的句子,则一定要加入连词(and, but...) e.g:
There is no uniform, we have to wear clean clothes. (X) There is no uniform, but we have to wear clean clothes. (√) There is no uniform. We have to wear clean clothes.(√)

Question mark ?

1.用在问句结尾 What is she doing? 注:当问句以陈述的形式表达出来时则不需要Question mark: I wonder what she is doing now.

Exclamation mark !

1. 用在句子结尾表示生气、惊讶或者警示 How disgraceful! I'm so excited! Attention!

Colon :

1. 用于列举前 I live with four people: My mom, my dad, my brother and my sister. 注:比较一下下面两个句子,体会一下列举时,什么时候加“:”,什么时候不加 I live with four people: My mom, my dad, my brother and my sister. I live with my dad, my mom, my brother and my sister. 2. 用于引用、总结前 The guides always gave the same advice: "Leave them alone, and they will leave you alone." The television shows the realisation of human's dream: that knowledge and experience can be shared across the boundaries of time and space. 3. 通信 Dear Ms.Smith: 4. 用于强调 There is only one thing that I care about: your safety.

Semicolon ;

1. 用来分割两个完整的、相关的句子 Don't go near the lions; they could bite you. 2. 用来分割详细列举的同类并列事项 The conference was attended by people from Paris, France; Paris, Texas; London, UK; Stockholm, Sweden; Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Mumbai, India. (可以理解为中文的排比句,semicolon前后的句子/短语为并列关系) 注:semicolon有时可以理解为是and, for, yet, but, so, or的替换

Quotation mark “”

1. 用来引用别人的说的话(exactly words,即别人所说的原话),常与“:”和“,”连用 The guides always gave the same advice: "Leave them alone, and they will leave you alone." My grandpa said, "Share your chocolates with your friends." 给小朋友的Tip:除了在书面表达上可以使用Quotation mark之外,Body language(肢体语言)也可以使用双引号哦~English speakers 喜欢在说话时配合肢体语言来表达自己,Quotation mark在肢体语言中有“说反话”的意思。 比如,当你的妈妈因为某件事冤枉了你并要求你道歉,而你又非常不服气时,你可以用非常诚恳的语气加表情对妈妈说:Mom, I'm really“sorry”. 我是真的真的“知错了”哟(wink~)


还有一点需要注意的是,在英文中,是没有书名号《》的,而是用斜体字、引号、加下划线的方法来表示书名。 《哈利波特》=Harry Potter=“Harry Potter”=Harry Potter


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