威廉姆斯学院 数学系教授
L1: Introduction to GamesIncluding tic-tac-toe and generalizations, geometry games ( rectangles, chocolate bar, triangle), Conway’s checker game. These introduce the concept of a mono-variant.L2: Definitions
How do we define what is the right quantity to study? Topics include the notion of a mean, the AM-GM and generalizations, dimension and dimensional analysis (Pythagorean Theorem).L3: Fixed point theorems and fractals (iterate Newton’s method and win if iterate to your point).
Includes Intermediate Value Theorem and Pascal’s triangle. Connection with Triangle game.L4: Egg drop game
Including some good problems for students to explore. It can change what we are trying to minimize from the standard analysis. Talk about data collection and how that can inspire modeling.L5: German Tank Problem
If students have skills in coding and gathering data, this provides an opportunity to discuss real-world applications and limitations, good application of calculus and linear algebra.L6: Zeckendorf game
Introduction to Fibonacci numbers, interesting properties, the power of different methods of proof, and some open problems in a game related to Fibonacci numbers.

教授任职于文理学院排名第一的威廉姆斯学院,在本科生的科研指导方面取得了丰硕成果。教授是Phi Beta Kappa Senate的Senator-at-large,且为American Mathematical Society成员。顶级教授亲自指导,助力科研成果的产出。✨自主研发的先进直播与录播系统
课程围绕数学领域中实用性强的理论展开,为了帮助大家更好地习得知识并研究理论。我们设置了Office Hour,确保在全程中遇到的问题都可以获得针对性的指导,进一步促进科研成果的达成。✨表现优异者可获亲笔推荐信