TD SAT教研组从2019年5月开始重新编选SAT真题词汇。一年多过去,目前已经完成95套词汇表,全部102套词汇表将在7月下旬完成。再经过一个月的审校后,TD版《全新SAT真题3600词》有望在今年9月和同学们见面。 为什么花了一年多时间?因为认认真真编选就是比较耗费时间的。我们的经验是,由专职教研老师对OG1-4样题和历年实考真题进行人工手动筛选,一套阅读题目平均选取50个单词(含词组和习惯用语),大概需要5小时,也就是大半个工作日;一套语法题目平均选取25个单词(含词组和习惯用语),大概需要3小时,也就是半个工作日。 最后完成单词表共102套(阅读52套,语法50套),总收词(含词组和习惯用语)约3600词。每个单词依次给出词性和中文释义、英文释义、英文例句。 一套阅读题目考试时间才65分钟,为什么从里面选几十个单词要花五小时?因为对每一个单词,我们都同时参考《剑桥高阶英语词典》、《朗文当代高级英语辞典》、《韦氏高阶英语词典》、《韦氏大学英语词典》、《新牛津英语词典》五本词典(其中前三本为学习型词典,后两本为英美本国人使用的词典),选用最适宜的释义和例句,力求精当。 例句一般从前三本学习型词典中选,取其鲜活易记;单词释义则以两本英美本国人使用的词典为最终参考标准。 需要说明的是,《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英语学习词典》也是中国学生比较熟悉的一本学习型词典,这本词典对单词使用整句释义(比如对recapitulate的释义是If you are going to recapitulate the main points of an explanation, argument, or description when you want to draw attention to the fact that you are going to repeat the most important points as a summary)。 这样的释义虽然通俗易懂,但是略显啰嗦,可能不太适合SAT程度的考生,因此我们在此次编选SAT词汇时没有参考这本词典。(《新牛津》对recapitulate释义是summarize and state again the main points of,《韦氏大学》对的recapitulate释义是to retell or restate briefly,都更简略,比较适合SAT学生) SAT考试中的生词难词有时候不在文章中出现,而在题目题干和选项中出现,还有的时候在图表附带的说明文字中出现。针对这一情况,我们在选词时,特别注意做到不仅仅从文章中选单词。 以下将从八个方面详细举例说明是我们所理解的“精确恰当”是指什么;以及为了让这本单词书对路、有料、管用、好用,我们在编选单词时花了哪些心思。


我们认为,SAT复习备考应以完整语篇练习为主。即大块时间用来做阅读语法的套题,相对零散一些的时间用来背单词。因此,考生应该和可以用来专门背单词的时间本来就不太多,这就要求我们在编单词书时严把收词关。 [caption id="attachment_22530" align="aligncenter" width="1206"] 选词札记展示1[/caption] SAT考查的重点不在知识,而在理解和思维能力。有些单词很难,在SAT考题中也出现过,但是属于学科词汇。对这一类词汇,我们这次编选就没有收录。例如:
lepidopterist (n.昆虫学家) dermatological(adj.皮肤病学的) entomology(n.昆虫学) planar(adj.平面的) curvature(n.曲率) vascular (adj.脉管的) pupate(vi.虫化蛹) stridulate(vi.昆虫摩擦腿、翅时)发出刺耳声音
mitt(n.露指手套) verandah(n.游廊;阳台) matinee(n.影院的;剧院的下午场) memorabilia(n.历史纪念物) anteroom (n.接待室;前厅) carte blanche (n.全权委托)


SAT文章中经常出现我们觉得熟悉的单词,但是实际上它的意思不是我们熟悉的那个意思,而是另一个生僻的词义。 [caption id="attachment_22531" align="aligncenter" width="1276"] 选词札记展示2[/caption] 比如我们看一篇18世纪的文献,看到jealousy of liberty这样的表达,要知道这里的jealousy不是“嫉妒”的意思,而是“热心地警惕和提防”(zealous vigilance),jealousy of liberty的意思就是“小心翼翼地怕自由被人夺走”。
例句:They cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy.
例句翻译:他们狂热地提放着有人夺走他们被授权享有的政治自由。 如果这里出一道词汇题,问jealousy of liberty中的jealousy是什么意思,A选项是vigilance,B选项是envy,那正确选项就应该是A。 再举一个例子,spell这个单词,当动词时最常用的意思是“拼写(依次说出构成一个单词的字母)”,当名词时最常用的意思是“魔咒”。对这两个义项,同学们可能都比较熟悉。 spell当动词时,还有两个生僻义项,SAT考生也需要了解。 一个义项是“具有…的显著特征”(be recognizable as a sign or characteristic of)。
例句:She had the chic, efficient look that spells Milan. 例句翻译:她具有米兰人所特有的那种时髦典雅而又精明能干的外表。
另一个义项是“导致,招致坏事发生”(to cause something bad to happen in the future)。
例句:The new regulations could spell disaster for small businesses. 例句翻译:那些新规定对小企业来说可能意味着灾难。
再来看tease这个单词,我们比较熟悉的tease词义是“取笑,逗弄”的意思,但它还有一个意思是“从大量不相关信息中挑选出有用信息”(find something out from a mass of irrelevant information)。
例句:Researchers from Stanford University demonstrated how influential metaphors can be through a series of five experiments designed to tease apart the “why” and “when” of a metaphor's power.(2017.3北美卷 P2) 例句翻译:斯坦福大学的一些研究人员通过一系列的五个实验,旨在从大量信息中挑选出关于说话的人使用隐喻为什么及何时会对听众产生影响的信息。他们的研究表明了,说话的人使用隐喻对听众可能会产生多大的影响。
snap vi. 迅速恢复(to quickly return to a previous place or condition) 例句:After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again). 例句翻译:去年出现巨额亏损之后,这家公司的经济状况又迅速好转,开始盈利了。 例句:They challenge women to advocate for female suffrage. (2019年10月亚太卷阅读第37题) 例句翻译:他们(明知要妇女们去提倡妇女选举权是一件很难的事却)故意激将和为难妇女们,让她们这样做。”


除了熟词僻义,我们还特别重视多收一些18世纪、19世纪政论家、哲学家、学者喜欢使用的文雅词汇,也就是伟大文献常见词汇。 [caption id="attachment_22532" align="aligncenter" width="1446"] 选词札记展示3[/caption] 这些词汇和小说词汇不一样的地方是:小说词汇受小说作家个人喜好影响比较大,而且小说作家用词一般是与时俱进的,19世纪英国小说家夏洛蒂·布朗特姐妹喜欢用的词,20世纪初的美国小说家西奥多·德莱塞就不太用了。而18世纪政治家汉密尔顿、埃德蒙·伯克喜欢用的词,19世纪作家爱默生、梭罗也比较喜欢用。 20世纪初的总统西奥多·罗斯福为了显得自己言语高雅,在文章中还是会用汉密尔顿常用的那些词(考生们对2019年5月亚太卷罗斯福那篇讲“耙粪者The Man with the Muck Rake”的文章应该还有印象。那篇文章是1906年写的,用了mendacity、morbid、lurid、knavery、slur、filth这样的雅词,读起来并不比汉密尔顿在100多年前写的文章轻松)。 即使是二战后的肯尼迪、里根,乃至当代的奥巴马,也会在演讲中使用audacity、sanctimonious、foe、martyr等单词。所以伟大文献中常出现的一些高雅词汇,不像小说中的词汇那样容易过时,是值得我们去记的。例如:
prodigy(n.奇迹;奇物,奇观an impressive or outstanding example of a particular quality) restitution(恢复原状,复原the restoration of something to its original state) vicinity(位置或关系的亲近proximity in space or relationship) sedate(安静的;稳重的calm, dignified, and unhurried) assuage(使不愉快的感觉减轻make an unpleasant feeling less intense) malign(vt. 污蔑;中伤speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner) inculcate(vt.反复灌输态度,观点,习惯instill an attitude, idea, or habit by persistent instruction) destitute(adj.赤贫的without money, food, a home, or possessions) manumit (vt.使奴隶获得自由release from slavery; set free) rabble(n.混乱的人群;暴民a disorderly crowd of people; a mob) venerate(vt.敬重regard with great respect; revere) extricate(vt. 使摆脱束缚或困境free someone or something from a constraint or difficulty) insidious(adj.暗中为害的working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way) despondent (adj. 因失去希望而情绪低落的in low spirits from loss of hope or courage) relish(vt.尽情享受derive or receive pleasure from) succinct(adj.简洁的briefly giving the gist of something) stalemate(n. 僵持a situation in which no progress can be made) relinquish(vt.放弃;自愿交出voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up) languish(vi.衰弱lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble)


英语中有一些表示逻辑推理过程的单词,常常被用来概括文章作者或文章中提到的科学家的行为。掌握这些单词,对我们准确理解题目和选项尤其重要。例如:assume、posit、suppose、presume、hypothesize、theorize、object、concede、qualify等。这里不一一举例,只说一下qualify这个词。 [caption id="attachment_22533" align="aligncenter" width="1354"] 选词札记展示4[/caption] qualify最常见的意思是“(使)有资格”,在SAT中考到qualify,意思就比较生僻了。
qualify vt. 限定(言辞,声明)的力量,使(言辞,声明)不过于绝对;修正;使有所保留 make (a statement or assertion) less absolute; add reservations to;to limit the strength or meaning of a statement
例句:She felt obliged to qualify her first short answer. 例句翻译:她感到有必要限定/修正一下自己最初的简短回答。 例句:It was given a qualified welcome. 例句翻译:它受到不冷不热的欢迎。 例句:I'd like to qualify my criticisms of the school's failings, by adding that it's a very happy place. 例句翻译:关于我对这所学校不尽人意之处的批评我想补充一点(我对这所学校的批评可能有点过头了),就是这所学校是个令人感到愉快的地方。
amid prep.(表示让步)尽管存在…的状态 in an atmosphere or against a background of 例句:This book was written amid many difficulties. 例句翻译:这本书是在困难重重中写成的
admittedly adv. [用于让步或承认某事属实或确实如此]诚然 used to introduce a concession or recognition that something is true or the case 例句:Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don't think all this criticism is fair. 例句翻译:我确实本应该更努力,不过我仍然认为所有这些(对我的)批评是恰当的。
respectively adv. 各自地,分别地 separately or individually and in the order already mentioned (used when enumerating two or more items or facts that refer back to a previous statement) 例句:They received sentences of one year and eight months respectively. 例句翻译:他们被分别判处了一年和八个月的徒刑。


在SAT阅读和语法题中,除了一些难的单词,还经常出现一些地道的动词短语(phrasal verbs)和习惯用语(idioms)。我们在编选SAT词汇时,特别留意把在真题中出现过的这类“词组”囊括进来。 先说一下idioms。 [caption id="attachment_22534" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] 选词札记展示5[/caption] idioms最大的特点就是我们不能从字面上去理解它的意思。一但我们从字面意义上去理解一句话,就可能读过去了都不知道这里原来有一个idiom。比如all things being equal(2018年10月北美卷阅读第12题考到),我们不能从字面上去看,以为它的意思是“所有条件都同等的情况下”。 all things being equal “其他条件都同等,只有一个条件不同的情况下”used to say what should happen or be true if two situations, products, etc., are different in a specified way but not in other ways。
例句1:All things being equal, a person with a PhD should be getting a higher salary than someone with only a master's degree. 其他情况相同的话,博士的薪水一般比硕士高。 例句2:All things being equal, a small car will cost less than a larger one. 不考虑其他因素的情况下,小车比大车便宜。
a function of sth …的结果 something that results from something else, or is the way it is because of something else
例句:The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate. 例句翻译:这里的低温是地形与气候同时作用的结果。 例句:Justice is a function of what the judge had for breakfast.(2018年11月北美卷阅读Passage2) 例句翻译:法庭最后怎么判,是由法官审判当天早上吃了什么(吃得好不好,心情好不好)决定的。
here to stay 可能会长期存在;已被广泛使用;已为大多数人所接受 likely to last or be present for a long time; stop being unusual and has become generally used or accepted
例句:Blogging is here to stay. 例句翻译:博客已经广泛流行。
know for a fact 肯定地认为 to be certain
例句:I know for a fact that he did it. 我肯定是他干的。
keep sb at arm's length 疏远(某人);不与(某人)过于亲近 to not allow someone to become too friendly with you
例句:I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length. 例句翻译:我总觉着她有意和我保持距离。
run the gauntlet 不得不经受很多人的攻击和指责 to have to deal with a lot of people who are criticizing or attacking you
例句:Every day they had to run the gauntlet of hostile journalists on their way to school. 例句翻译:他们每天上学路上都不得不应付一些对他们抱有敌意的记者。
除了idioms,动词短语在阅读和语法中都经常出现,以下仅以2016年5月亚太卷语法第25题中出现的两个短语为例(这两个短语是偏口语化的表达,在该题中是错误选项): amp sth up 使某事物更强烈、更激动人心 to make something stronger, more extreme, or more exciting
例句:If you're ready to amp up the adventure, you can climb up via the waterfall. 例句翻译:如果你想让探险变得更刺激,你可以从瀑布往上爬。
rev up (sb/sth) (使)活跃起来;(使)积极起来 to become more active, or to make someone or something become more active
例句:The hotel is revving up for the busy summer season. 例句翻译:正值忙碌的夏季,这家饭店的节奏也变快了。


背单词确实蛮枯燥的,有趣味的例句可以我们一些安慰。 culinary adj.烹饪的
例句:My culinary skills are limited to boiling water (= I am not very good at cooking). 例句翻译:恐怕我的厨艺不怎么样!
strenuous adj.费劲的;费力的
例句:He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television. 例句翻译:他很少做比换电视频道更费力的事。
critter n.动物
例句:Wasps are nasty little critters whose sole aim in life is to ruin picnics and barbecues. 黄蜂是一种讨厌的小动物,他们活着的唯一目的就是在我们人类野餐或者野外烧烤的时候来捣乱。
除了注重例句的趣味性,我们在选例句时还注意了以下几点: (b)《韦氏高阶英语词典》和《剑桥高阶英语词典》在很多例句中使用了paraphrase的方法来帮助学生理解例句,这是一种非常贴心的做法,我们偏爱这种例句,尽量多采用。例如:
mob Let's not go to that bar tonight - it's always mobbed (= there are always a lot of people there) on Fridays. spectrum The group includes students from both ends of the social spectrum (= range of social classes). raise your eyebrows This decision caused a few raised eyebrows (=surprised some people). break-even After years of losing money the company has finally reached the break-even point [=the point at which the company earns as much as it spends] and we hope to make a profit soon. stack up The new model of this car just doesn't stack up against previous models (= is not as good as previous models).
He always adopts/assumes (= moves into) the same posture for the cameras. 而不是只用a rigid/stiff posture这样的词组例。
(d)尽量选贴近生活、最能体现单词词义的简短、实用的例句。比如cheapen 这个单词,选了:
The wedding ceremony was cheapened by the best man's tasteless jokes. 没选:The mass media simplify and cheapen the experience of art. speculate这个单词,选了: Scientists speculate that the illness is caused by a virus. 没选:Observers speculated that the authorities wished to improve their image. 再比如ruling,为了帮大家熟悉ruling的用法,选了: The court has made a final ruling on the case that the companies acted illegally. 没选:We’re anxiously awaiting the court’s ruling on this matter. 选relegate的例句时,不忘和大家一起复习女权: They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role. 还有的时候,选两个连着的短例句,使例句带有叙事性,帮助同学们记忆。 She was infatuated with her boss. No one expected the infatuation to last.


有些单词或短语有好几个义项,且都可能考到,对这种情况我们全部收入。 (a)动词canvass有三个义项:
canvass(义项1)vt.&vi.拉选票 solicit votes from (electors in a constituency) 例句:He's canvassing for the Green Party. 例句翻译:他正在为绿党拉选票。 canvass(义项2)vt.设法得到 try to obtain; request 例句:They're canvassing support among shareholders. 例句翻译:他们正设法在股东中间获得支持。 canvass(义项3)vt.全面地讨论 discuss thoroughly 例句:The issues that were canvassed are still unresolved. 例句翻译:曾被全面讨论的问题仍悬而未决。
granted(义项1)conj. 就算… even assuming that 例句:Granted that the story's true, there's not a lot you can do about it. 例句翻译:就算真的是那样,你也没什么很多办法了 granted(义项2)adv. 诚然;确实(用来引入一个和主要论点相反,但并非很有说服力、不能驳倒主要论点的因素) admittedly; it is true (used to introduce a factor which is opposed to the main line of argument but is not regarded as so strong as to invalidate it) 例句:Granted, many horror films don't make sense until the ending, but they at least provide a few scares along the way. 例句翻译:诚然,很多恐怖电影从开头就一直是无厘头乱演,演到结尾才算情节合理,但这些电影至少给了观众他们想要的恐怖镜头。
(C)动词短语catch on有两个义项。
catch on (义项1)(尤指过了很久以后才)理解,领会 to understand, especially after a long time 例句:He doesn't take hints very easily, but he'll catch on (to what you're saying) eventually. 例句翻译:他不太会看别人给的暗示,不过最终还是会明白(你所说的话)的。 catch on (义项2)变得流行;变得受欢迎 to become fashionable or popular 例句:This trend is catching on with/among college students. 例句翻译:这一时尚正在大学生中开始流行起来。


sparse和austere invoke和evoke ingenious和ingenuous counteract 和 counterclaim up and down和 ups and downs wearing和weary wither和withering
[caption id="attachment_22535" align="aligncenter" width="1270"] 选词札记展示6[/caption]



TD SAT备考计划

对于下半年的考试,暑期的备考至关重要。所以TD 在暑期将分别在7月10日、7月17日、8月1日、8月15日开设暑假班SAT备考计划。 暑假班备考计划相比以往,进行了重大升级:课后作业增加逐题讲解视频啦!相信一定能更好的帮助大家备考。 2020年6月,TD推出延迟打卡答疑30天的额外福利,致力于更长效巩固课上所学。 戳下图了解详情?